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Privacy & data protection policy

Some of the services included on this Website and, in particular, the sending of forms require the collection of personal data. To provide these services PROYECTOS DE ACERO VITRIFICADO, S.L. will proceed to collect certain user data which are considered essential. During the data collection process, users will be informed of the fact that such data is required. If such required data is not provided, it will not be possible to provide such services. PROYECTOS DE ACERO VITRIFICADO, S.L. hereby engages to keep all personal information provided by its clients/users secure and confidential. Pursuant to the provisions of Spanish law on the Protection of Personal Data (LOPD, for its Spanish abbreviation) and its developing regulation, clients/users are hereby informed and accept that their information be incorporated to PROYECTOS DE ACERO VITRIFICADO, S.L. automated files and used for the purposes of maintaining relevant contractual and management-based relationships with PROYECTOS DE ACERO VITRIFICADO, S.L.

Users give their express and unequivocal consent to the supplier of services designed by Proyectos de Acero Vitrificado SL., to execute the data processing labour. With regard to data collected as outlined above, users may exercise their legally recognised rights and, in particular, their rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose such data, if necessary, as well as their right to withdraw consent given to transfer such data. These rights may be exercised by users by sending a signed letter to the following address: , Proyectos de Acero Vitrificado S.L., Urb. Parque Roma, Edificio G, local 15. 50010 - Zaragoza - SPAIN.  

English Version LEGAL NOTICE - PRIVACY POLICY - CONTACT                             
Sitio web desarrollado por Binary Web SolutionsSitio web desarrollado por Binary Web SolutionsSitio web desarrollado por Binary Web Solutions  
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